Come See us at PAX South this weekend!

We’ll be at PAX South this weekend! We’ll be presenting a panel about Critical Core and sharing about our mission at our table in the Diversity Lounge, so make sure to come connect with us over the weekend! We’ll also have LifeCogs and Pinny Pins at our table, so make sure to pick them up […]

Adam Davis in front of KUOW

Why We Love Board Games: Adam Davis on KUOW’s The Record

I received a last-minute invite to join Filip Francke, CEO of Ravensburger North America and Claire Donaldson, a freelance illustrator, on Bill Radke’s show The Record on KUOW, Seattle’s local NPR station.  We discussed board games, their recent rise in importance in society (especially in Seattle), and how Game to Grow uses them in therapeutic […]

Victoria’s Story on Extra Credits: Because Games Matter

The YouTube channel Extra Credits, well-known for their video series explaining historical and science concepts in a fun cartoon style, have spotlighted one of Game to Grow’s players for their “Because Games Matter” series, highlighting the participant’s growth through playing Dungeons and Dragons in one of our weekly social skills groups. We are tremendously honored […]