Unlocking Social Connection: Sage’s Tale of Critical Core

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, finding innovative ways to nurture social connection and confidence among students is paramount. Enter Critical Core, the tabletop role-playing game designed to empower learners of all backgrounds. Sage, a school counselor and a passionate advocate for Critical Core, shares the profound impact it’s had on their students. Here’s the […]

Game to Grow "On Air": Dragon Talk #388 - Adam Davis (Game to Grow)

Game to Grow’s Adam Davis revisits Dragon Talk

Six years ago, Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble of Dragon Talk: An Official Dungeons & Dragons Podcast, spoke with Adam Davis and Adam Johns about Wheelhouse Workshop. (You may have also seen a full chapter about Wheelhouse Workshop, the precursor to Game to Grow, in Tito and Mazzanoble’s podcast-turned-book, Welcome to Dragon Talk.) Now, Adam […]

Game to Grow featured on King5 news!

Yesterday’s 5-o’clock news featured a story about Game to Grow’s research partnership with foundry10!  It was a great segment covering how Game to Grow collaborated with foundry10 to study the impact of our work using tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons to help build player’s SEL skills.  We used storylines from our Critical Core […]

Volunteers needed!

Are you passionate about gaming? Do you believe in Game to Grow’s mission to use games for therapeutic, educational, and community growth? Have you been wanting to get more involved in the therapeutic gaming community? If you answered “yes” to all of the above, Game to Grow wants you! We’re looking for general volunteers and/or […]

Games Build Social-Emotional Skills

When was the last time you played a game? Gaming is good for emotional health, especially for kids! U.S. News and World Report’s article, “How Games Can Build Your Child’s Social-Emotional Skills“, is all about the connection between gaming and social-emotional learning: “The goal of SEL is to teach kids and teens non-academic skills like […]

“Using Tabletop Games to Help People”: Game to Grow on Wired.com

We’re wired up! Game to Grow was recently featured in the article “How Therapists Are Using Tabletop Games to Help People”! Wired interviewed Adam Davis about the use of tabletop roleplay games in a therapeutic space: “A lot of therapists and educators speak the languages of gamers and therapists, or the language of educators, but […]

A book opens up, revealing a d20. Above is the Game to Grow logo and the words "Tales from the Real-World Table." Below is the title of the story: "Trust, Exercised."

Tales from the Real-World Table: Trust, Exercised

Here’s a Tale from Adam Johns: “Trust, Exercised” At my table, it was recently revealed that one of the characters kept hidden crucial information that could have been used to help prevent a terrible disaster. The character who kept the information brought up how they don’t trust the rest of the group and are only […]