Game to Grow’s Adam Davis revisits Dragon Talk

Game to Grow "On Air": Dragon Talk #388 - Adam Davis (Game to Grow)

Six years ago, Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble of Dragon Talk: An Official Dungeons & Dragons Podcast, spoke with Adam Davis and Adam Johns about Wheelhouse Workshop. (You may have also seen a full chapter about Wheelhouse Workshop, the precursor to Game to Grow, in Tito and Mazzanoble’s podcast-turned-book, Welcome to Dragon Talk.)

Now, Adam Davis returns to Dragon Talk to share about Game to Grow’s growth, Critical Core, and the global audiences we’ve been able to reach these past six years!


The full episode with Adam Davis is available now. Check it out on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or the Dragon Talk website or click the Play button below to listen via Apple Podcasts.

Host Shelly Mazzanoble was particularly excited to talk about Critical Core and the DOTS System. Are you a game master? Have you heard of DOTS? It’s an easy, structured way to play encounters with your players and build the story. Just connect the DOTS!

Desire: In each encounter, what do the characters desire?

Obstacle: What do you, the game master, place in the way of the characters and the object or outcome they desire?

Tactic: What strategies might the characters devise to overcome the obstacle?

So Then: …what happens next?

DOTS are an awesome tool for any type of game master to use. To learn more about DOTS and Critical Core, listen to Dragon Talk #388 or go straight to

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