Title: "Gaining Advantage" with two headshots, Dale from Wyrmworks and Adam Davis from Game to Grow

Adam Davis interviewed by Wyrmworks Publishing

I was the first guest on Wyrmworks Publishing’s new podcast series Gaining Advantage! The interview begins at 13:22 and runs through 51:32. It’s a nice long interview in which Dale and I talked about how important inclusion is in tabletop role-playing games, Game to Grow’s therapeutic tabletop role-playing game groups, and a few exciting new […]

Game to Grow on Today.com hosted by Carson Daly!

Game to Grow was featured on Today.com, in a segment hosted by Carson Daly! In this video, founders Adam Davis and Adam Johns discuss the powerful impact of Game to Grow’s social skills groups! Our groups use Dungeons and Dragons and other games to help youth participants make friends, build confidence, and feel more comfortable […]

Game to Grow keeps growing!

We’re so excited to announce that as we’ve been continuing to serve more and more individuals around the world with our therapeutic social skills groups using Minecraft and Dungeons and Dragons, we’ve expanded our team! After a recent round of hiring, we’re so pleased to present to you the most recent additions to Game to […]

Therapeutic Game Master Trainees are Loving the Game to Grow Method!

We just finished another level one Therapeutic Game Master Training for Mental Health Professionals last week, and the feedback has come in. Trainees are loving it! Below is just some of the feedback we’ve received, and this is only from the training last Friday! If you’re interested in learning how to bring this powerful intervention—the therapeutic […]