Game to Grow featured on King5 news!

Yesterday’s 5-o’clock news featured a story about Game to Grow’s research partnership with foundry10!  It was a great segment covering how Game to Grow collaborated with foundry10 to study the impact of our work using tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons to help build player’s SEL skills.  We used storylines from our Critical Core […]

Regarding the OGL and Critical Core…

A personal commentary from Game to Grow founder Adam Davis on what the OGL means for TA-RPG and Critical Core. We have been watching the commotion in the larger RPG community about the open gaming license and the ongoing struggles to clarify what the next steps are for those using the open gaming license to […]

ADHD&D [Pax West 2022 Panel]

Did you miss us at PAX West? Catch up by watching our panel “ADHD&D,” originally presented Sunday, September 4th, 2022.  Panel description: Individuals with ADHD often face challenges in work, school, social, and leisure settings. Additionally, many of those with ADHD may experience shame and low-self esteem related to their neurodivergent traits. Join this […]

Game to Grow will be a featured guest at PAX West this year! (And we’re giving away PAX badges!)

We’ll be at PAX West this year in a big way!  We’ll be leading workshops, presenting panels, and leading demos of Critical Core!   We’re running TWO workshops, one on therapeutic RPG and another on therapeutic Minecraft! We’ll also have Game to Grow team members on SEVEN panels! For more information about what we’re up […]