Image of a news headline reading "Tabletop roleplaying has given players comfort, connection and control in a world that’s taken them away

Tabletop Role-Playing Provides Connection And Control In An Uncertain World

A recent article in Dicebreaker by Peter Ray Allison highlights the ways in which tabletop role-playing games have provided an important avenue for connection in the “loneliness epidemic” that has been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic in the last year. Game to Grow founder Adam Davis was interviewed on the benefits that TTRPGs like Dungeons […]

Therapeutic Game Master Trainees are Loving the Game to Grow Method!

We just finished another level one Therapeutic Game Master Training for Mental Health Professionals last week, and the feedback has come in. Trainees are loving it! Below is just some of the feedback we’ve received, and this is only from the training last Friday! If you’re interested in learning how to bring this powerful intervention—the therapeutic […]

Role-Playing Games Can Give Your Mind a Mental Health Boost

In a recent article in National Geographic, author Liz Krieger shares some new revelations about how people are using tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons during the pandemic to maintain social connection. Game to Grow’s therapeutic social skills groups using tabletop role-playing games have seen an incredible increase in demand over the last year. […]

Game to Grow on Detentions and Dragons Podcast

Executive Director Adam Davis and Director of Education and Training Elizabeth Kilmer had the pleasure of being on the Detentions and Dragons podcast, discussing our therapeutic Dungeons and Dragons social skills groups with hosts Matt and Josh. We told stories from our therapeutic social skills groups, discussed the benefits of intentional gaming in educational settings, […]

Green geometic background with the words "Healthy Geek Academy"

Listen to Dr. Elizabeth Kilmer on the Healthy Geek Academy Podcast!

Game to Grow’s  Director of Education and Training Dr. Elizabeth Kilmer was a guest on the Healthy Geek Academy podcast! She spoke with host Robyn about tips to find a good therapist, the importance of therapists understanding and respecting geek culture, and Game to Grow’s work using tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons in […]

Blue background with headshots of two smiling people with short hair. Text reads "Therapeutic GM Q+A. A live Q+A for therapeutic GMs with Game to Grow Method developers Elizabeth Kilmer, PhD and Adam Johns, LMFT. Thursday, May 27 at 5pm Pacific."

[Webinar] Therapeutic Game Master Q+A May 27, 2021

We’re back with another in-depth Q+A for therapeutic Game Masters, with some of the creators of the Game to Grow Model of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games! In this Q+A you will have the opportunity to ask seasoned therapeutic GMs Adam Johns, LMFT and Elizabeth Kilmer, PhD questions about running TA-TPGs and receive in-depth answers. You […]

Blue background with headshots of two smiling men with short hair. Text reads "Therapeutic GM Q+A. A live Q+A for therapeutic GMs with Game to Grow Method developers Jared Kilmer, PhD and Adam Davis MA Ed. Tuesday, April 13 at 5pm Pacific."

[Webinar] Therapeutic Game Master Q+A April 13th, 2021

We’re back with another in-depth Q+A for therapeutic Game Masters, with some of the creators of the Game to Grow Model of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games! In this Q+A you will have the opportunity to ask seasoned therapeutic GMs Adam Davis, MA Ed, and Jared Kilmer, PhD questions about running TA-TPGs and receive in-depth answers. […]

Listen to founder Adam Davis on Inverse Genius Podcast (Round 2!)

I had the opportunity to join Kathleen Mercury again on her podcast Inverse Genius: Games in Schools and Libraries to talk about Game to Grow’s work using tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons in therapeutic social skills groups, and also announce the fantastic expansion of our training program! Listen on the podcast website, itunes, […]