Roll for Healing: Therapeutic Game Master Round Table | PAX Unplugged 2018 Panel

This year at PAX Unplugged, Game to Grow presented a panel called Roll for Healing: Therapeutic Game Master Round Table.  We presented a similar panel at PAX West 2018 though this panel features some additional panelists who are using role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons in other parts of the country.  Enjoy!     Panel […]

Looking back on 2018

2018 has been a great year! This year we provided game-based therapeutic services to around 40 kids each week across our five weekly social skills groups, and we hired and trained two new facilitators so that even more youth can receive services. Over the summer we offered game-based summer camps, incorporating craft and other enrichment activities, and led workshops instructing families […]

Join me early on #GivingTuesday for Facebook’s #EarlyMorningMatch!

Executive Director Adam Davis here. I recently learned that Facebook will match the first 7 million dollars of donations made on Tuesday, November 27th, up to $250,000 per organization!  This is an amazing opportunity for Game to Grow to raise funds for continued expansion in 2019! That sounds amazing, but here’s the catch: It’s first-come, […]

Game to Grow Presenting at Pierce County Counselor’s Association about D&D for Social Development

Next weekend we’ll be presenting at the ICDL conference in Washington, DC, about role-playing games for therapeutic growth and Critical Core, and the following Friday we’ll be presenting at the Pierce County Counselor’s Association in a 90 minute presentation titled “Dungeons, Dragons, and Social Development: Roleplaying Games as a Tool for Growth.” The meeting will be […]