MoPOP logo and Adam Davis' smiling face

Adam Davis presenting at MoPOP Saturday 1/23 about TTRPGs in schools!

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be presenting at Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) about using TTRPGs like Dungeons and Dragons in classrooms!  The workshop will be Saturday, January 23, 2021, at 10AM PST.   Workshop Description: Are you interested in integrating games like Dungeons and Dragons into your classroom? Tabletop role-playing games […]

Monstrously Helpful: The Displacer Beast

Welcome to Monstrously Helpful, a take on using  the most dastardly villains and dreadful monsters to create positive experiences for everyone involved. The Fiendishly Fierce Fey Feline The displacer beast is a malicious and intelligent hunter that comes from the mystical land of the Feywild. This six-legged and be-tentacled black panther-like creature is the size […]

[Webinar] How to Play Minecraft With Your Child or Client

Parents: Are you interested in deepening your relationship with your children? Would you like to learn more about their hobbies, interests, and inner thoughts? Are you looking for ways to engage in intentional play that won’t make your child roll their eyes? This webinar serves as an introduction for effectively engaging in Minecraft with your […]

[Webinar] Video Games: Setting Effective Boundaries for Home and Online Play

Do you feel as though you are constantly engaged in a battle over screen time with your children? Do you worry about keeping your children safe while they’re engaged in online activities? The availability of games and online play is ever-expanding, and it can feel impossible to keep up. Setting effective boundaries around video game […]

[Webinar] Minecraft for Parents: Level Up Your Knowledge

With the continued limitations for in-person engagement, the online space has become an important place for connection, learning, and escape. However, for those with limited experience with digital gaming, Minecraft can feel like a complicated frontier with its own vocabulary and norms. This webinar will help you understand the basics of Minecraft and how to […]

A figurine of a knight riding a dragon.

Monstrously Helpful: The Faerie Dragon

Welcome to Monstrously Helpful, a take on using  the most dastardly villains and dreadful monsters to create positive experiences for everyone involved. Yes, it is in fact a *real* dragon. The Faerie Dragon is a small and mischievous draconic creature known for its love of tricks and mischief. Though minuscule in size, the Faerie Dragon […]

Connect with us at PAX Online! 

One of our favorite things to do is connect in person with fellow gamers, educators, and mental health professionals at conventions and conferences throughout the year. This year, we’re learning to connect in new ways, and have discovered several benefits that come from connecting with others from one’s couch. These include, but are not limited […]

[Webinar] Inclusive GMing: Understanding Context and Creating Diverse Experiences

  Tabletop role-playing games can be amazingly diverse and inclusive spaces, however some of the traditional rules and stories have problematic histories. This webinar is for players and GMs who want to better understand the discriminatory histories written into TTRPG canon and how to create inclusive stories moving forward. We will be discussing strategies to […]

Adam Davis interviewed on Creative Therapy Umbrella Podcast

I had the opportunity to talk with Kate Shannon at the Creative Therapy Umbrella podcast about how Game to Grow’s therapeutic social skills groups use Dungeons and Dragons to help our participants become more confident, creative, and socially capable.  We discussed the core capacities we’re helping our participants build through a drama therapy informed practice, […]