RPGs as a Tool for Growth: Emerald City Comicon 2019 Panel

Last weekend at Emerald City Comicon we presented two panels.  In the panel on Friday, titled Future Possible, we spoke about how RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons have the power to make the world a better place.  Ethan Schoonover joined Adam Davis and Adam Johns on the panel. Our second panel, Dungeons, Dragons, and Social […]

Game to Grow on BJ Shea’s Geek Nation Board Game Alliance Podcast

Founders Adam Davis and Adam Johns returned to the Board Game Alliance Podcast, recorded at the KISW station here in Seattle. They shared some stories about Game to Grow’s use of role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons in therapeutic social skills groups! You can listen to the episode at the Board Game Alliance website or on iTunes. Game […]

Interview on Boards Alive Podcast

Founders Adam Davis and Adam Johns, along with Ethan Schoonover, were interviewed by Aaron and Quinten of the Boards Alive Podcast!   In the podcast we talked about how Game to Grow uses role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons in social skills groups, and how Ethan’s school program uses D&D to students build  confidence and strengthen […]

Release the Minions: Introducing RPGs to Youth | PAX Unplugged 2018 Panel

At PAX Unplugged this year, we presented an updated version of our panel Release the Minions: Introducing RPG to Youth, with Ethan Schoonover.  We shared how to choose a game, introduce the game, and modify the game.  Enjoy!   Panel Description: We love RPGs and we love sharing our passion with others, but what do […]