Fall 2024 Applied RPG Trainings

We’re excited to announce that we have Fall 2024 dates for Applied RPG trainings for mental health professionals!

These live virtual trainings in the Game to Grow Method are presented by Adam Davis, founder and executive director of Game to Grow.

We’ve been on a bit of a hiatus as we have transitioned our focus from direct services to build our training and support programs for professionals using RPGs to serve their communities. We have been focusing on supporting community partners such as the Washington State Library system, and haven’t had the capacity to offer public trainings. We have received many emails requesting dates for the general public so we have some dates available for you!

More Information:

Level One

The Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games: A level one training for mental health professionals is a six-hour training consisting of a general survey of the relevant literature and grounding theory of this intervention, an introduction into the specific foundation and theory of the The Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games (TA-RPG), as well as facilitation tips and session structure guidelines. At the end of this training you will have the foundational knowledge in the Game to Grow Method, and will be able to communicate effectively with parents, clients, and administrators about the benefits and potential risks of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games.

Following participation in the Level One training, attendees should be able to:

  1. Describe the theory of the Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games.
  2. List the Core Capacities addressed through the therapeutic application of role-playing games.
  3. Describe the three dimensions of capacity building.
  4. Describe the structure of a session of RPG groups in the Game to Grow Method .
  5. Discuss the potential benefits and risks of engaging in TA-RPG with stakeholders such as clients, parents, and program administrators.

Level Two

The Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games: A level two training for mental health professionals, is a six-hour training that builds on the theory and strategies introduced in the level one training to improve your skills as a therapeutic game master. It will be interactive and include small group work to further practice techniques and deepen your understanding of the material. Through your participation in this training you will have a strong grounding in the The Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games (TA-RPG), and will be able to implement these groups in populations with which you have familiarity and experience.

Following participation in the Level Two training, attendees should be able to:

  1. Design in-game encounters consistent with treatment goals.
  2. Utilize the ADDRESSING framework to recognize and respond to diversity within your game and group.
  3. Identify the skills needed to be an effective therapeutic game master.
  4. Describe techniques for using affect to increase immersion and communicate with players.
  5. Utilize collaborative story and world-building methods with players to support cohesion and engagement.
  6. Identify and address common roadblocks such as disengagement, distrust, and intra-group conflict.

Level Three

The Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games: A level three training for mental health professionals, is a six-hour training that builds on the theory and strategies introduced in the level one and two trainings to improve your skills as a therapeutic game master. It will be interactive and include small group work to further practice techniques and deepen your understanding of the material. Through your participation in this training you will have a strong grounding in the The Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games (TA-RPG), and will be able to implement these groups in populations with which you have familiarity and experience.

Following participation in the Level Three training, attendees should be able to:

  1. Describe four character types and how they relate to player presentation and conceptualization.
  2. Design and implement non-player characters (NPCs) to support in-game growth.
  3. Identify table management strategies to support player engagement in game.
  4. Utilize effective client intakes to support group cohesion and identify stakeholder goals.
  5. Flexibly apply the DOTS system in both pre-planned and improvisational encounters.
  6. Discuss the use of TA-RPGs in specific populations including individuals with diagnoses of ASD, ADHD, or with a history of trauma.
  7. Utilize characterization techniques including voice, tone, and affect, to engage and re-engage players and support narrative immersion of players.


These trainings will be presented via Zoom.

Level 1: August 11,  9am – 4pm Pacific. Six hours of training with a one hour lunch break. 

Level 2: August 18, 9am – 4pm Pacific. Six hours of training with a one hour lunch break. 

Level 3: August 25, 9am – 4pm Pacific. Six hours of training with a one hour lunch break. 

This training series will be the last time in 2024 this opportunity will be available.


$1,400 for all three trainings; 18 hours of training


Special Note:

Zoom links will be emailed to trainees 24 hours before each workshop. Trainees must attend each training and complete a post-workshop survey as a prerequisite to attend the following training workshop. Further questions? Check out our FAQ.

Already attended Level One? Reach out to secure your spot in levels 2 and 3.