Am I Geek Enough? People of Marginalized Genders in Gaming [PAX West 2021 Panel]

This panel was originally presented at PAX West 2021!   Panel Description: There is a lot of discussion on inclusivity and equality within game spaces, but what happens when the criticisms towards marginalized genders become internalized? How do you navigate geek and gaming spaces if you doubt you even belong? Join this panel of accomplished […]

[Video] Rolling for Recovery: APA Symposium on Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games

This presentation was originally made to the APA 2021 Symposium, where a group of us presented about the therapeutic application of tabletop role-playing games.   Program Description: Presentations will introduce the therapeutic application of tabletop role-playing games, review relevant literature, and present recent clinical advancements and research findings.  General Statement: Individuals struggling with mental health […]

#actuallyautistic GMs panel from PAX West 2021

PAX West is over, and even if you couldn’t attend in-person or virtually, you can still see our panel presentations! Below is the panel #actuallyautistic GMs: Panel Description: Many autistic individuals struggle across social settings, but really shine behind a dungeon master’s screen. Join our panel of autistic game masters to learn more about what […]

Announcing Spice and Dice!

We’re so excited to announce a collaborative fundraising event partnering with Penny Arcade’s “C” Team and Crawlspaces & Critters! Spice & Dice is a special event benefiting Game to Grow’s nonprofit mission, mixing the action and excitement of Dungeons and Dragons with the extreme heat of spicy chili peppers! In this unique one-shot D&D event, […]

Meet the new Game to Grow Group Facilitators!

After our most recent round of hiring, we’re excited to introduce you to the newest members of the Game to Grow team! They come from all over the United States and have a broad range of previous experience, from education, library science,  museology, art, and psychology. We’re so excited to bring them into the Game […]

Title: "Gaining Advantage" with two headshots, Dale from Wyrmworks and Adam Davis from Game to Grow

Adam Davis interviewed by Wyrmworks Publishing

I was the first guest on Wyrmworks Publishing’s new podcast series Gaining Advantage! The interview begins at 13:22 and runs through 51:32. It’s a nice long interview in which Dale and I talked about how important inclusion is in tabletop role-playing games, Game to Grow’s therapeutic tabletop role-playing game groups, and a few exciting new […]