TTRPGkids Review Critical Core


Several adventurers stand in front of a black background. They all look confident and powerful. Bottom Center Text reads 'Critical Core'


TTRPGkids got a look at Critical Core and liked what they saw! We’re so happy to hear the positive feedback from them. Their review takes a look at what we included in Critical Core for players, GMs, and for Facilitators as well as a pretty detailed review of our characters and character sheets.


The overall take away?


Critical Core is a straight up amazing game and tool.  It’s easier to understand than other TTRPG’s of its size with attention to detail for everyone involved.

The modules that it comes with are engaging for players and laid out for ease of use by the GM.  It explains all the behind-the-scenes work for the facilitator to understand what this game can really be for people.  I was continually impressed as I explored through the game’s content – the updated character sheets, the clear diagrams and examples, all of the tools incorporated into mechanics – everything is set up for an awesome and accessible gaming experience.


Thanks TTRPGkids!


TTRPGkids logo over a grey d20 background


You can read the full review here

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