Game to Grow guests on Paizo’s Autism Awareness Community Blog

Paizo, the publisher of the tabletop role-playing game Pathfinder, recently contacted Game to Grow to contribute to their community blog to recognize Autism Awareness Month.

In order to elevate autistic voices, we reached out to members of the Game to Grow community to share their own voices and experiences.  Authors include Catrine Zorn, a trainee in Game to Grow’s TA-RPG training program; Jeremy Organ, a teenage group participant; and Shawna Spain, our volunteer coordinator. The authors share their stories and experiences, reflecting on their own experience as autistic gamers, and help illuminate the importance of safe, supportive role-playing groups in their own lives.  Looking at the comments and response to the blog, it’s clear that they were not alone in the powerful way tabletop role-playing games like Pathfinder were able to help them and their families.







Click here to read the full article.





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