Founder Adam Davis on Autism Weekly Podcast

New podcast! I was on the ABSKids Autism Weekly podcast on an episode is titled “Using Games Therapeutically to Build Skills.” In it I described how Game to Grow’s therapeutic use of tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons differs from many “skills training programs” in that our groups don’t teach discrete skills from a deficit perspective. Game to Grow’s groups are designed to help participants build social confidence and flourish socially on their own terms. I also talked about Game to Grow’s training program, which helps other mental health professionals, educators, and advocates utilize role-playing games in their own communities, and Critical Core, the therapeutic RPG “beginner’s box” designed by Game to Grow to spread the life-enriching power of RPGs to even more homes, schools, and hospitals.

Listen to the podcast on the Autism Weekly website or in the embedded player below.


Click here to learn more about Game to Grow’s training program, and for more information about Critical Core, click here!

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